Cross Bridge is a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, multi-generational, Christian congregation. We offer so much more than just a Sunday morning worship service! We have programs for kids, teens, adults, care, care and support ministries, special events, and plenty of opportunities to find community and serve together.
We believe that church isn't a place just to attend, it's a place to belong. We welcome you to come and join us in living our lives together for Christ.
9:30 AM
11:15 AM
12:30 PM
Cross Bridge is located at 149 Spring Street, Lexington, MA and is most accessible by car.
If the parking lots at CBCGB are full, additional parking is available nearby at Stride Rite Corporation headquarters (191 Spring Street). The entrance is marked by a stone wall with a green banner reading "Spring Street Office Park." Turn into the entrance, bear right at the split, and follow the "CBCGB Parking" signs. There is a short brick path through the woods that connects Stride Rite to CBCGB.

We offer many types of Sunday school classes ranging from theological, to contemporary topics, to discussion groups on parenting. For parents, we also offer child and nursery care during both the service and Sunday school classes.
We also run vibrant and engaging children’s worship and children’s Sunday school classes. For more information go to the Children's Welcome Desk on the 1st floor. Junior high and high school students have their own programs as well.

Come celebrate God and worship with us! Whether you are young or old, a believer in Jesus or not, whatever your ethnicity, we warmly welcome you. Join us in uplifting and lively contemporary musical worship. Enjoy sermons that stay true to the original Biblical meaning while being challenging and applicable. We have service every Sunday from 11:15 AM to 12:30 PM in the main sanctuary. Child care is provided!
Early to service? Grab a cup of coffee from our lobby and chat with us at the welcome center!
Hungry? Join us after service for lunch in our chapel! You’re welcome to bring your own, or buy a super inexpensive meal cooked fresh and hot by a team of tireless volunteers.